完善国家公园创建设立程序, 有序推进国家公园建设

Improve the procedures for the creation and establishment of national parks, and promote the construction of national parks orderly

  • 摘要: 建立国家公园体制是推进生态文明建设和美丽中国建设的重大制度创新, 是我国自然保护地从数量快速增长转向高质量发展的重要举措。根据国家统一部署, 到2035年我国要建成49处国家公园。尽管现阶段我国的国家公园候选区创建积极性较高, 但是国家公园创建设立总体上还面临缺乏系统计划、设立程序与工作任务划分不尽合理、创建设立标准与要求不明确、资金政策支持与实际需求衔接不顺畅等问题。为贯彻落实党的二十届三中全会提出的“全面推进以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系建设”要求, 建议科学制定国家公园创建设立计划、合理划分国家公园设立程序和工作任务、明确创建设立标准与要求、完善国家公园资金使用和管理办法。


    Abstract: The establishment of a national park system is a major institutional innovation to promote the construction of ecological civilization and the construction of a beautiful China. It is also an important initiative to shift China′s protected areas from rapid quantitative growth to high-quality development. According to the unified national deployment, by 2035 China will establish 49 national parks. Despite the current high level of motivation of the candidate national parks, the creation and establishment of national parks in general is still faced with the lack of a systematic plan, irrational division of establishment procedures and construction tasks, unclear requirements and criteria for each phase of creation and establishment, and the lack of a smooth connection between financial and policy support and actual needs. To implement the requirement of "comprehensively promoting the construction of a nature reserve system with national parks as the main body" put forward by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, it is recommended to formulate a plan for the creation and establishment of national parks, rationally divide the establishment procedures and construction tasks, clarify the requirements and criteria of tasks at different stages, improve the methods for the use and management of funds, strengthen basic research and improve the assessment mechanism for national parks.


