
Current status of sea-related protected areas and marine biodiversity conservation in China

  • 摘要: 建设自然保护地是保护海洋和海岸带生物多样性的有效手段。对我国涉海自然保护地进行全面梳理, 结合海洋生物多样性分布信息进行空间叠加分析, 评估典型海洋和海岸带生态系统及珍稀濒危物种在现有保护地网络中的保护状况。结果显示, 我国已建涉海自然保护地363个, 总面积10.5万km2, 其中海洋自然保护区占总数的44%, 占总面积的84%。涉海保护地集中分布于近岸浅水区域, 河口生态区的平均保护比例为14.5%, 近岸生态区的平均保护比例为10.9%, 浅海和深海生态区几乎没有保护地覆盖。我国较为重视红树林的保护, 沿海一半以上的红树林已纳入保护地管理, 相比之下珊瑚礁、海草床和海藻场的保护力度较弱, 珊瑚礁的保护比例约为10%, 海草床和海藻场的保护比例在15%—16%。涉海保护地的规模偏小, 难以满足大型海洋动物的保护需求, 即使对于中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)、印太江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides)、中国鲎(Tachypleus tridentatus)等近岸集群活动且备受关注的物种来讲, 保护空缺仍在80%以上。建议借助国家公园体系建设契机, 打破地方海域管辖权限制, 将距离海岸较远的重要海域纳入保护, 重点关注珊瑚礁、海草床和海藻场等保护空缺较大的特殊生境, 扩大针对斑海豹(Phoca largha)、绿海龟(Chelonia mydas)等珍稀濒危洄游类型物种核心栖息地的保护地规模。


    Abstract: Protected area is an effective tool for the protection of coastal and marine biodiversity. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of China′s sea-related protected areas and assesses the conservation status of typical coastal and marine ecosystems and important species using spatial overlay analysis. Here are the findings: (1) A total of 363 sea-related protected areas, covering an extensive area of 105000 km2, have been established. Notably, marine nature reserves constitute 44% of the total number and occupy 84% of the total area. (2) The conservation efforts for shallow water habitats close to the coast are relatively more robust than those for deeper waters farther offshore. Specifically, the average protection ratio for estuary ecoregions stands at 14.5%, and that for littoral seas is 10.9%, while shallow and abyssal seas receive significantly less protection. (3) Mangroves are of particular concern in China, with more than half of the mangrove biome covered by protected areas. Conversely, the protection of coral reefs, seagrass and kelp biomes is inadequate, with only 10% of coral reefs and 15%— 16% of seagrass and seaweed biome likely to be effectively protected. (4) The current sea-related protected areas are insufficiently sized to safeguard the core habitats of large marine animals. Even for species like Sousa chinensis, Neophocaena phocaenoides and Tachypleus tridentatus, which typically inhabit coastal areas and attract great public attention, the protection gap exceeds 80%. We suggest that local maritime jurisdictional barriers be dismantled to incorporate crucial marine areas located further offshore in the development of national parks, focus on special habitats with large protection gaps such as coral reefs, seagrass and seaweed biome, and expand the scale of protected areas targeting migratory species (e.g. Phoca largha, Chelonia mydas), especially in their core habitats.


