赵阳, 刘艳青, 万霞, 丁黎明. 国家公园生态产品市场化新路径——以生物多样性抵消和信用机制为例[J]. 国家公园(中英文), 2024, 2(5): 296-307. DOI: 10.20152/j.np.202404250060
引用本文: 赵阳, 刘艳青, 万霞, 丁黎明. 国家公园生态产品市场化新路径——以生物多样性抵消和信用机制为例[J]. 国家公园(中英文), 2024, 2(5): 296-307. DOI: 10.20152/j.np.202404250060
ZHAO Yang, LIU Yanqing, WAN Xia, DING Liming. Study on market-based realization of ecosystem product value in national parks: taking biodiversity offsets and credits as an example[J]. NATIONAL PARK, 2024, 2(5): 296-307. DOI: 10.20152/j.np.202404250060
Citation: ZHAO Yang, LIU Yanqing, WAN Xia, DING Liming. Study on market-based realization of ecosystem product value in national parks: taking biodiversity offsets and credits as an example[J]. NATIONAL PARK, 2024, 2(5): 296-307. DOI: 10.20152/j.np.202404250060


Study on market-based realization of ecosystem product value in national parks: taking biodiversity offsets and credits as an example

  • 摘要: 国家公园提供数量最多、价值占比最大的生态产品是生态系统的调节服务, 其生产供给主要依赖于生物多样性存量的稳定性和持续性。由于生物多样性的价值(如清洁的空气、干净的水)具有公共性和外部性, 难以分清具体的权利人与受益者, 因此受到“度量难”“交易难” “抵押难”“变现难”的“四难”制约, 这使国家公园依靠财政支出的压力得不到有效缓解。根据“昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架”提供的“生物多样性抵消和信用”方法和英美澳等国的成功经验, 建议我国将国家公园作为生物多样性信用提供方, 通过与企业开展“横向”价值交换, 创新使用将开发项目的生态环境影响抵消净零的指标交易模式, 并通过绿色金融支持信用质押贷款、提升企业ESG评级等激励优化, 辅以强制信息披露、市场准入许可等硬性约束, 合力加速形成生物多样性信用投融资惠益国家公园并惠及周边社区的市场机制。


    Abstract: The Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) adopted a new global biodiversity strategy—the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). This paper provides a systematic review of the international practice of "biodiversity offsets and credits" proposed in the 19th Action Target of the GBF, divided into three implementation steps: (1) scientific quantification of biodiversity credit valuation; (2) policy promotion of biodiversity credit certification; (3) market realization of biodiversity credit transactions. The policy environment and market mechanisms in the United Kingdom (UK), the United States (USA), Australia, and other countries that implemented the Business & Biodiversity Offsetting Program (BBOP) were analyzed to draw successful experiences and lessons learned, providing insights for China on the prospects of applying these practices in national parks to realize the value of ecosystem products better. The main ways of realizing the value of ecosystem products in national parks in China were summarized, followed by the analysis of why the value of biodiversity, as the most prominent ecosystem product in both amount and value, suffers from the "four difficulties", namely, "difficult to measure", "difficult to trade", "difficult to mortgage" and "difficult to encash", two primary causes were discovered: First, there is no such mandatory "No Net Loss" requirement in China compelling developers to mitigate and offset negative biodiversity impact; and second, institutions dedicated to nature reserve conservancy are not entitled with the rights of generating incomes from managing the credits based on increasing biodiversity net gains. It is recommended that China capitalize on the opportunity provided by the preparation of national park legislation to promulgate a biodiversity impact offsetting policy, adopt a biodiversity credit accounting methodology, and pave the way for implementing biodiversity offsets and credits in practice.


